Thursday, November 21, 2013

Week 11 Recap/Week 12 Preview/Power Rankings

Week 11: Top 5 Story Lines

1. Attention Ultimate Dynasty League, Scott's Tots barring a catastrophic melt down is your #1 seed.

2. With that being said, after completing a deal for Adrian Peterson, CLO Collins may be the Ultimate Dynasty Bowl II favorite.

3. Super Manning, Carolina Lions, and Dynasty Kings with a little help from Goonsquad have kept their wildcard dreams alive and are now all 1/2-1 game back of Ohh Kill 'Em.

4. The Sharks have one of the better rosters in the league already and thanks to some wheeling and dealing on trade deadline they will be adding (4) 1st round players to their squad this offseason.

5. It was good to see both the Goonsquad and BSL hold firm and not succumb to selling one of their valuable pieces (Lynch, Dez, Morris) as both teams could return the same rosters in 2014 and have very different seasons. The talent is there for these two, the luck just wasn't in 2013.

Current Playoff Picture (3 Games Left)
1. Scott's Tots 9-2
2. CLO Collins 7-4
3. Miami Sharks 7-4
4. Ohh Kill 'Em 6-4-1
5. Super Manning 6-5 GB. 1/2
6. Carolina Lions 6-5 GB. 1/2
7. Dynasty Kings 5-5-1 GB. 1
8. Purists 5-6 GB. 1.5
9. Kory Adams 4-6-1 GB. 2
10. Goonsquad 4-7 GB. 2.5

Clinched: 1) Scott's Tots have clinched a playoff spot (with SM and L playing one is guaranteed a loss which would guarantee Tots would finish in front of them or if they tie Tots would be guaranteed to win the division)

Eliminated: 1) Gio's Odyssey and Beat Skeet Leave are both eliminated from playoff contention. 2) Goonsquad has been eliminated from AFL contention and 1-3 seed contention.

Playoff Clinching/Elimination Scenarios: Clinching 1) IF Scott's Tots Wins OR (Lions and SM Lose) then Scott's Tots clinches the UFL Division and at least a 3 seed. 2) IF Scott's Tots Wins AND Sharks or CLO Collins Lose would clinch at least a 2 seed. 3) IF Scott's Tots Wins AND Sharks AND CLO Collins Lose then Tots would clinch the 1 seed. 4) IF CLO Collins Wins OR Purists Lose then he will clinch the AFL Division. 5) IF Miami Sharks Win AND Super Manning AND Lions AND Dynasty Kings Lose then they would clinch a playoff spot (barring a crazy comeback in points by Super Manning).
Elimination 1) IF Goonsquad Lose OR Ohh Kill 'Em Wins then they would be eliminated from playoff contention. 2) IF Kory Adams Lose AND Ohh Kill 'Em or Super Manning or Carolina Lions Win then Kory would be eliminated from playoff contention. 3) IF Purists Lose And Ohh Kill 'Em or Super Manning or Carolina Lions Win then they would be eliminated from playoff contention. 4) IF Dynasty Kings Lose AND Ohh Kill 'Em Win then Kings would be eliminated from playoff contention due to points.

3. Miami Sharks (7-4): Purists, DK, KA
4. Ohh Kill 'Em (6-4-1): KA, Lions, DK
5. Super Manning (6-5): CLO, Tots, Lions
6. Carolina Lions (6-5): G.Squad, OK, SM
7. Dynasty Kings (5-5-1): Gio, Sharks, OK

Thoughts: The Tots are a lock for the #1 seed and will be playing in the 1st round against whoever secures the wildcard. CLO Collins is a lock for winning the AFL Division and playing against the winner of the NFL Division in the 1st round. The Miami Sharks are not a lock for the division but they are for all intensive purposes a pretty sure bet for the playoffs needing only to win one game out of three and having Super Manning, Lions, and Dynasty Kings drop 1 of their next three to punch a ticket, or if they just win 2 out of their final 3 they'd be pretty secure. Ohh Kill 'Em is about to face its toughest test playing fellow wildcard contenders Lions and Dynasty Kings in 2 out of the next 3 weeks. The Wildcard race could easily come down to week 14. The Wildcard competitors need Boles to drop at least his game to either Kory Adams or Lions to have a shot though, they can't have Ohh Kill 'Em be at 8-4-1 with one game to go or they will have no shot (barring SM sweeping his games, or the Sharks dropping off big time)

I don't have time to write game overviews this week so I'm just going to go down the list and make my picks.

- I like the Sharks over the Purists 107-82.
- I'm tempted to take BSL in an upset but I've gotta go Tots 98-94.
- Give me the Dynasty Kings 87-71 over an improving Gio team. 
- This is real interesting if Lynch was healthy this would be a no brainer pick for the GS but hey they've still got the Rainey I'll take the Goonsquad 105-92 due to their better receivers. Thursday night will go a long way in this one (PT and Roddy)
- This is about to be an awesome match up that starts Thursday night and may not be decided until Monday night Give me CLO Collins 100-99.
- Possibly no Welker leaves this game open just a crack for Kory Adams but with no AJG I'll take Ohh Kill 'Em 91-83.

Power Rankings Week #12

1A. CLO Collins 7-4 Prv. #3 - While Tray and the Tots will claim I'm not giving them the respect they deserve (and they're probably right) it's just hard to put a team with Stafford, Peterson, McCoy, Gore, Mega, Cruz any lower than #1. 

1B. Scott's Tots 9-2 Prv. #1B - Excluding the Carolina Lions games, the Scott's Tots are undefeated against the rest of the Ultimate Dynasty League. Boasting an extremely balanced team they are a true championship contender.

3. Miami Sharks 7-4 Prv. #1A - While it can be argued this team weakened their starting line up a little bit at the deadline, they are still plenty strong enough to be in the title conversation albeit just no longer at the forefront of the discussion.

4. Ohh Kill 'Em 6-4-1 Prv. #4 - Fresh off a blow out this team is still solid and the wildcard leader. Brady, R.Bush, CJ?K, Marshall, Welker, V.Davis can get a fantasy W for you any given Sunday and he would have a solid shot against the #1 seed Tots.

5. Super Manning 6-5 Prv. #5 - A daunting schedule coming up this team seems likely to have to live with the thought of what could have been if they would have had a solid runningback to go with Manning's record breaking season. 

6. Carolina Lions 6-5 Prv. #6 - They're up, they're down. When they're up though they are talented enough at every position to give anyone a scare. Probably the best bet to steal Boles' playoff spot.

7. Dynasty Kings 5-5-1 Prv. #10 - Big win last week and they are somehow getting solid production from every position (even Donald Brown is balling out). They could get in with some luck but 2014 looks like the year the Kings will start being a real threat. 

8. Goonsquad 4-7 Prv. #9 - Honestly if I wasn't factoring records in to this they would be pushing for top 4, this roster is pretty sick with a Luck, Lynch, Dez core. They've shown flashes this year gone for 130+ points twice, 115+ 4 times, and 100+ 5 times. 

9. Purists 5-6 Prv. #7 - Wait till next year is becoming the moniker of the Purists but this team should be better in 2014 (healthy Cam Newton, Doug Martin, Percy Harvin, Julius Thomas is a solid core) unfortunately for them barring some trading it looks like they are still hoping for Lamar or David Wilson to step up and be that number two runner.

10. Kory Adams 4-6-1 Prv. #8 - Brees, Murray, AJG, VJax, Blackmon?, Gronk this team has potential to have a major bounce back year.

11. Beat Skeet Leave 3-8 Prv. #12 - Morris/Spiller/Cobb/Garcon should have them being a lot more competitive in 2014.

12. Gio's Odyssey 2-8-1 Prv. #11 - RG3, Gio, Bell, Torrey, Austin with (3) 2014 1sts, don't expect Gio to stay in this cellar forever, with a strong draft this team will have potential to be the real deal soon.


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