What if I told you one owner wanted to clean up the league?
What if I told you he wanted to take it to new heights, no matter who stood in his way?
What if I told you that same owner was the hero Ultimate Dynasty deserves...but not the one it needs right now?
30 for 30 presents...Super Bullock
The Early Years:
Long before Phillip Bullock was a professional Ultimate Dynasty franchise owner, he was just a young man, like many of the rest of us, wandering around the campus of UNCW looking for a purpose. While he had many accomplishments, starting QB for the Big Boomers, most consecutive days on campus without showering, and most cookout trays eaten in one day (A red haired man from England by the name of Jeff would later smash this record in 2013). Phil knew something was missing and he had a much bigger purpose than just a degree at UNCW, he just didn't know what. It goes without saying this young man had no idea the spring semester of 2012 would change his life forever...
Everyone knows the Ultimate Dynasty League as one of the greatest fantasy football league's in all of America but what many don't know is its origin. The UDFFL, just like many other great inventions, came from humble beginnings. Four businessmen living in a four room shack, developed one of the most inspired associations of our time. Among those four men stood; a man destined to be a champion (and then the absolute worst), a man destined to be 2nd place (and then eh pretty mediocre), a man who will stop at nothing to win but never does (http://bobcatrumblefantasybball.blogspot.com/2012/02/caleb-collins-story-how-one-mans-greed.html), and a man who believed the league was about more than just wins and losses. That last man was Mr. Phillip Bullock. Phil played an integral part in the Ultimate Dynasty going from a nice fantasy thought up in the bottom floor of Apartment K to a reality (but somehow still a fantasy).
The League Years:
Phil was among the most active and competitive owners from day 1 from the moment he selected Cam Newton with the #1 overall pick in the start up draft as the former Camwagons to the moment he resigned from the league and the Super Mannings. While Phil never made it to the big show, the Ultimate Dynasty Bowl, he did manage to compile a 25-23-1 record over his tenure. Heck, 2014 looked like it may be his year as he went 10-4 and grabbed the wildcard spot and a showdown with his division rival Scott's Tots in round 1. Unfortunately (as with most teams led by Peyton Manning), a first round exit followed and saw Phil and the Super Manning's finish 1 game short of Ultimate Dynasty Bowl III.
There are some that say this game haunted Phil throughout the off season leading to substance abuse problems (eating 3 day old tacos from taco bell mostly). He was also seen hanging out with some shady characters, one man who even created plays for his fantasy team (Spider 2Y banana double reverse mouse click add drop halfback pass adobe microsoft on two copyrights of Corey Wood). Some say it was the tacos, others say it was trying to keep up with Corey's playbook, but one thing is for sure something in Phil changed that off season.
The Incident:
It all started with some league members planning a trip to the Big Apple (thanks for the invite) week 1 of the fantasy season. While this wasn't a problem for most owners on the trip they were able to set their line ups and find wifi connection in a city where the wifi flows like water. There was one owner who had already had his commitment to the league jokingly questioned over the past few years. This man, Kory Adams, who claims to not get tired must have gotten tired coincidentally in a city that doesn't sleep. As we all know by now, Kory failed to set his line up and subsequently lost by 2 points to Machine Marshall. Most owners didn't feel great about it and there were rumblings that ended up making their way to yours truly, the commissioner, about Kory not caring about the league and wouldn't care if he left it. The commissioner trying to do what's best for the league made the switch to a replacement owner, a friend of Phil's, Matt Loftus. Things went well for about roughly 11 hours, until I received a text from Kory wanting his spot back and promising to be a more active owner (there may have been a tear shed or two). As everyone knows I have a big heart (that's why Christine Michael was rostered on my team for decades before I cut ties and it still stings) and not wanting to see one of our original members kicked to the curb I sought council from some of the wiser members of the league. One member, Andrew Hatfield, who is like a yoda of football knowledge and league activity suggested keeping him but on a short leash. This decision went over well with most of the league however there were some fights brewing under the surface. In a popular group text between 4 core league members Phil began demanding the removal of Kory Adams, while CLO countered for saying that if he was removed then one other league member who shall not be named should be removed (we all know he was talking about Boles, Matt if you're reading this you're improving man kind of).
Anyway it had seemed like the event had blown over and everyone had let it go...little did we know Phil had let us go.
The Future
I would love to see Phil reunited with the league in an ownership role again one day, perhaps soon, once the scars have healed. I believe the league could use a boost in activity and I believe
Phil is the hero Ultimate Dynasty deserves, but not the one we need right now. (This offseason would be great though)
Phil Simms: "We talked about it all week what an owner this guy was he just owned it...until he quit and then no longer owned it."
Jon Gruden: "Man, I'll tell you what man, this Phil guy was like two men and a truck, he packed up his stuff one day, charged a minimal fee, made sure the mattress was tied down, and he was outta here."
Chris Berman: "Phil, make sure the door is always, Bullocked was a stern owner and once he made a decision to leave, he was not going back-back-back on his word."
Bob Costas: "Champions don't become champions on the field, they are just merely recognized there. While Phillip Bullock may have never officially won a title...he was indeed, a champion. A champion of integrity, of moral value, of believing in right and wrong. I'll tell you this, if this is in fact the last we've seen of Mr. Bullock in this league, then we have really lost something special, and that's a shame."
Mike Ditka: "Stop it!"